1. Entries must have rhubarb as one ingredient.
2. Entries must be submitted by 11:00 a.m.
3. Contestants will fill out a form that includes contestantʼs name and name of entry. We ask that a copy of the recipe be included; it will be added to future rhubarb cookbooks.
4. Entries will be numbered; no contestant names will be known by judges.
5. Entries will be judged on: rhubarbness, taste factors (flavor, texture), creativity, presentation (appearance, form, shape, symmetry)
6. Judgesʼ critiques will not be given to contestants.
7. Entries become the property of PECIA and will be sold after the parade.
8. The top 3 entries will place. The Rhubarb King of Queen is crowned around 12:30 p.m.